Frozen memories

While I was away studying abroad, I felt like I missed so much of what was going on back home. I felt like I missed fun memories,holidays, events, and quality time with my family and friends. Apart of that made me sad while I was away, and it increased my desire to return to my friends in America, but now I realize, that was good time wasted.  I was given the opportunity to see so much do so much, all while in the beautiful European Union. When I finally reunited with my friends and as I lay in bed at night, I realize that the only thing I was missing out on is the full capacity of those days I felt a bit home sick. I didn’t miss as much as I thought, and it wouldn’t be anything to compare my experience abroad to. Now that I am back in the U.S. I’m in constant communication with my host family. Luckily I miss then as much as they miss me and they call Sevilla my home.


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